Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Sketches and Illustration Friday Dust and an interesting family discovery!

Hi Guys, Here is my piece for Illustration Friday and Sunday sketches
When I painted it I changed the words slightly I nearly didn't include them in the picture but  in the end I decided that it was nice to have a bit of a story. :0)

"She gave one last glance over her shoulder and said "eat my dust"......and they never saw her again..."

This was painted in acrylic paint and I used pencil and ink on top!

The interesting family discovery is quite exciting. As most of you will know who follower my blog, I'm from Britain originally, Wales to be exact but emmigrated to Australia nearly 18 years ago. I remember when I was a child that there was always this 'story' that I heard through my mothers side of the family that we were some how related to Beatrix Potter!! I always found it interesting but didn't really believe that it was possible, I guess I thought it was too exciting to be true. Anyway fast forward about 20 years and a family member of mine recently started researching our family tree on our mothers side (our mothers are sisters) and she had heard the same story as me about Beatrix Potter. She actually found out that we are in fact related to her!!!! Eeek!!! It turns out that we share a Great great great....(hehehe not sure how many greats) Grandfather!!! So we I think are distant cousins! I know it sounds like I'm a crazy person but I guess if we all traced our family trees back far enough we would come across some connection to somebody famous, six degrees of separation and all that. We had heard this story through my Great Grandmother and so my mother called her mother the other day and mentioned it to her and she said 'oh yes I remember my mum telling me that when she was a child Beatrix would write her letters and draw her little pictures'! of course my mothers response was 'where are these letters now?' hehehe and she said she wouldn't have a clue! I'm hoping that my gran has hidden them away somewhere special and she is keeping it to herself but who knows........ it's all very exciting and nice to know that art runs in our family as alot of us are artistically inclined.
Last night my mother and I watched the movie 'Miss Potter' which starred Renee Zellwegger and Ewen McGregor and we really enjoyed it and found it very interesting. I never realised just how hard she had it trying to follow her dream and being told that she would never be able to do it as she was a woman.....and that was by her own mother, such a different world back then.

Anyway I thought I would share that with you guys and it made me wonder have any of you ever discovered some interesting family connections?


Shayla said...

OMG! One, I absolutely love your new painting...her eyes really catch your gaze...secondly, that is so amazing that you found out that you are related to Beatrix Potter...Peter Rabbit and the other stories have had a huge impact on my life...especially since i love animals so much!

INDIGENE said...

There's an expression, "you come from good stock" :)! I think it applies here! Keep up the good work!

WrightStuff said...

What a wonderful discovery. Oh imagine if you could find those letters. Maybe what you say is true. I am very distantly related to Charlie Chaplin!

Penny said...

Love this illustration Nic - her expression and the colours you have used are fantastic. Well done ! xxx

Heather said...

LOVE the words for the IF prompt, ha ha ha - too funny.
what a great story, too. How cool to discover that!!
I love your banner, enjoy your Sunday! xxoo

Marlene said...

Wonderful painting. Fun family discovery. I have been doing a little research on my father's side and found that Marlene Dietrich was a cousin on his mother's side. I don't know what relation that makes me, some sort of cousin I suppose.

Unknown said...

Love the picture and words...How exciting..related to Beatrix Potter..oh yes if you could find those letters and drawings that would be really interesting. I loved the film too....

poppylocke said...

I love your illustration, the eyes are so striking! The words fit perfectly with it :) What an amazing and exciting discovery for you and your family! I hope you find those letters one day!
I have never researched my family tree, but my boyfriend is related to the writer Sheridan le Fanu, and also, (possibly) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle! Not a surprise that he loves to write :)

Kristin Dudish said...

Such a cool interpretation of this week's IF theme. And a very fun family discovery - so neat that art is in your blood :)


Christine said...

the bit of story adds to your picture, I think. Interesting you were able to trace your roots to such distinguished family!

Debbie said...

Wow, what a cool family story! I love your painting, especially her awesome green eyes!

m7 said...

hey m visiting ur blog 4 d first tym...u draw really well ..nice colouring :)

Sinderella's Studio said...

awesome!!! love her!
cheers, dana

Heather Foust said...

Wow Nicola that is very cool. When I was growing up my Mother would read Beatrix Potter books to us. My mother was an artist and she loved those illustrations. That is very exciting.
I am glad you added those word to the painting. It looks great!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Nicola!!!!! the new blog look is fantastic!!! and I love your piece cool to see it as a sketch and then the coloured piece!!!!

Have a wonderful Sunday!!!

Jenn Bower said...

What a wonderful interpretation on the 'dusty' theme. I love seeing how others work out the theme. I love the colors you used.

Tammie Lee said...

Fun news about your relatives! Yea! I love that movie, it is quite inspiring and I love how strong she was and how much of a success she was.

your art is wonderful and I love how you used: dust!

GalleryJuana said...

I liked that movie as well and interesting to hear your story about the letters.

Wonderful painting and the words are perfect.

Julia Christie said...

Love your painting here - wondering what the story behind this sketch is?

Wow! How exciting to find out you are related to someone famous and someone that was an incredible artist to boot! I love stories like this!

I am loving all of your new pendants too! You continue to grow as an artist and I love seeing what you are up to!

Smiles :-)

Morph Waffle said...

Cool illustration and the caption is also entertaining. How cool for you being related to Beatrix Potter!

Cathy Bueti said...

Hi Nicola! Your sketch and painting are great! The colors are so vibrant they make her come alive!! :)

EVA said...

Really love the green here! Great words and cool tattoo (not usually a fan but here it looks great!)

Very interesting discovery!

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

That's such a cool family connection. :)
I always wondered how to accuire family tree data. :) Internet doesn't tell much when you're from a small country and the names don't go further then my grandmothers grandparents. But we do have a famous relative. well famous in our contry. :) It's my grandfathers cousins grandson. I have no idea what that makes us. But he's an actor.

Love your scketch and how you've painted her.

Shirley said...

Beautiful painting, Nicola!!! What a wonderful post, too..and thank you for your kind visit!! Have a great week ahead!

Rebecca Anthony said...


Faith said...

Simply Gorgeous, as usual,

MrBibleHead said...

Nice work Nicola!

Anonymous said...

Nice art ...
I really love this 1
Even your other art works are AWESOME !!

Take a look on my art works as well
hope You like them as well ... ;)

Anonymous said...

Cooooool illustration! Crazy that you are related to Beatrix Potter!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for joining me...what a lovely I can say that Miss Beatrix Potter's relation is a fan...sooooo coool....

Kristin said...

How cool is that!? She is one of my favorites (we have a vintage collection of her books) and so are you! So that makes much sense . . . beautiful drawing and FAB title - I love the tattoo and her beautiful eyes, xoxo

Emily C. said...

The painting is SUPERB! :D

&& I love tracing back family tree. you never know who you might be related to ;) x


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