Saturday, November 21, 2009

Illustration Friday - Music

Well this week I wanted to do something that wasn't a pretty young girl type picture, just for something different. So this little character came to mind. I don't know why he is so bottom heavy but I'm sure it doesn't put anyone off his conducting! :0)


Val's Dragonfly Whimsy said...

He is cute, even tho he is bottom heavy LOL - lovely drawing :D

Jess said...

I LOVE that his bum sticks out! This is so original Nicola! :)

Cheryl Lynn said...

Great illo for the theme. Bottom heavy or not, he seems very confident in his ability as a conductor. LOL!

Have a great weekend.

Lisa Lectura Creations said...

Hi Nicola! Great entry for Illustration Friday! Love how he is bottom heavy too! I can just hear the music.

Thanks so much for your sweet visit! I really appreciate your comment on my Edward painting. After I finish him up as well as Bella, I hope to do a Jacob painting too. Have a wonderful weekend sweetie!

Lisa :)

Quilt Works said...

Oh, this made me smile. Perfect - happy music running through my head!

Penny said...

Wow! This illustration is so different from your usual style. I wonder where he came from? You really ARE amazing! xxx
PS: He has a cute behind!

adrienne trafford said...

too cute - love his big butt!


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