Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Illustration Friday - Blur

Through the blur of her tears Clarey the fairy could see the others talking about her as if she weren't there. She didn't quite fit in and she wasn't your average fairy with her doc martens and tattoos, but she was a good fairy and one day would appreciate that, but today she hid in the corner and watched everyone else at the annual fairy ball.

I used my new pencils to do this one they are called 'Inktense' which are vibrant watersoluble ink pencils. I'm not sure if they are different to water colour pencils but I feel like they are a lot brighter than water colours pencils as ones that I have used in the past have been a bit wishy washy. I outlined it with a black pen. I bought these pencils with some of the money I made from my first commission, it was a very nice feeling! I also got another request from someone to paint their 3 children which is very exciting for me, it'll be a bigger task but since doing my first one, I feel alot more confident yay!!! Not sure when I'll start that one we're just in talks at the moment but I'll be eager to start once I get some photos!


pinkglitterfae said...

Aww, poor lil' fairy, she just needs a ((hug)).

Congrats on the commission! that is exciting for you. I picked up a set of inktense too, and I'm not sure what I think of them. I guess I too, expected them to be much bolder.

Art by Darla Kay said...

So cute Nicola! I feel so sorry for the little fairy, but she definitely shines♥
Congrats on that commission! Can't wait to see it when you're done!

Annette Q said...

What a sweet illustration! I love her little dress.
I also use inktense pencils in my mixed media work, and for the same reason that they seem to be a little more vibrant than watercolour pencils.
Congratulations on your second commission! I'm sure it's going to be as beautiful as the first :-)

Kaili Ittensohn said...

Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my blog and artwork! Its exciting when people commission you to paint for them isn't it? It means they love your work! Congratulations! I shall check back often!

Art by Darla Kay said...

Another visit today to thank you for your prayers for VernaAnn♥ It means so much!

Shirley said...

Congratulations on your next commission, Nicola!! How exciting. And this little lovely fairy looks so very sad...though she's very cool with her Doc Martens! (I had a pair o' those a lonnnng time ago). Glad you're finding all of these great tools and mediums..I've never heard of these, but now I know! As always, it's great to see what you've been up to!!

Jess said...

Congratulations on getting another commission Nicola! I think the Inktense pencils are ink rather than watercolour, so lovely and bright. Hmmm now that's a good idea for me to ask for at christmas...! :)

Quilt Works said...

So sad! You can feel it. Perfect job

Unknown said...

AWWW!She's so cute! what a cute story, you should do a children's book and illustrate it too!:D

Clare Incher said...

Is this about me? Yes I am sad I dont fit in in Australia with my funny accent x


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