Thursday, October 22, 2009


This is a new canvas of mine. I started with a black canvas and then painted in layers on top. I do like the feel that the black underneath gives the picture, it's like a dream like quality if that makes sense? For this piece I really tried to concentrate on my composition and background as well as trying something new like a building. I think I need to work on more buildings but I like how this turned out and I felt like I pushed myself. I also used my coloured liners to finish off the face and the blossoms as I felt they needed to look a little more detailed and it was hard to do that with the brush.


Penny said...

I like this one very much Nic. Really love the flowers in the foreground and well done on the building. Who DOES she remind me of? xxx

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Lovely scenery. I'll have to give this black background a go. It looks fabulous!

Michelle Eaton said...

A great piece. I think the building looks good, I really like the flowers growing up over it.

Val's Dragonfly Whimsy said...

Lovely painting - love the large flowers in the foreground - the vines on the building add a special touch :)

Art by Darla Kay said...

So pretty! Love the foreground flowers and the vines on the building. Great touches, so unique!

Unknown said...

wonderful work Nicola!!! the bright and cheery colours are perfect!!!


Katie m. Berggren art & design said...

So fun to see your cheerful and colorful work, Nicola! What fun you must be having - funny, I have a three year old, too (and a five year old) and I've just begun making glass charms of my paintings, too :)
A trick to photographing them - outside on a sunny but not too sunny morning (before noon preferably, at least here in SW Washington State, USA). No flash, and definitely a tripod. Hopefully that will help a bit - it is tricky to photograph them. :) The wooden ones are a bit easier, but if you glaze their fronts, they are shiny too.
Have a great day!
Sincerely, Katie


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