Monday, October 12, 2009

Illustration Friday 'Flying'

It was so hard to get a decent photo of this canvas so I'm afraid this is the best I could do. For this piece I used some patterned paper which I bought last week. I've got more left so would like to experiment further with this material. The theme for Illustration Friday this week is 'Flying', this is the image that came to mind. I've had many dreams where I could fly, how cool would this be if it were possible? Although I do have a fear of heights in the real world ;0)


Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

I think everyone has had a dream of flying at some point in their lives. :)Lovely piece.

Anonymous said...

This is what I would have done if I could draw better! Very nice work. Very pretty. (I have a great fear of heights in real-life, too!) Just do it!

Quilt Works said...

I love it!!!! Just like a dream, like the other people stated. THIS IS PERFECT!

Art by Darla Kay said...

Great job Nicola! Love her hair flowing upwards! I used to dream I was running and I slowly lifted off the ground and just glided over the neighborhood. It was awesome and I WISH I could have dreams like that again :)
Have a super week :)

Jess said...

This is great! I love the composition, she really looks like she's having fun!x

Pease Porridge said...

Great perspective! I love those dreams! Sometimes I can just jump really high. That is fun too. :)


Anonymous said...

So cool, I love your ariel perspective. Very clever and beautiful.

Penny said...

You've been busy! Made me think of Wendy from Peter Pan. Love the use you've made of the paper in the clouds and her cute little red shoes! Well done xxx

Val's Dragonfly Whimsy said...

Hi Nicola, thanks so much for visiting my blog and following me - I am also following you too now - love your whimsy artwork very much, I look forward to chatting with you often, cheers Val xo

Val's Dragonfly Whimsy said...

ps I use Diamond Glaze to glaze my artwork images onto various pendants - just message me if you would like me to explain the process to you - it is so much fun to do :D

Annette Q said...

Wow! I love the perspective!
This is lovely Nicola, i love how you can see the little trail of where shes been flying :-)

Shirley said...

Awesome Nicola! I think this is lovely..your perspective over those building is super. Hard to do, and you've pulled it off beautifully! I think it'd be amazing to fly, a la Superman, but like you, I have a bit of a fear of anything "too high", we can fly around the house around here and that's just fine with me. Always so great to check in on you!

thedoodlegirl said...

This is awesome!!! I have had that same thought: that I love the flying dream, but wait--I am afraid of heights, too!! Nice piece.


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