Dealing with a bad case of artistic block at the moment but managed this
sketch over the weekend. I think it's because I'm working full time now
my weekends are precious and so I want to do as much as I can but put
too much pressure on myself to pump out the work in a shorter space of
time. Anyone got any tips on how to deal with an artistic block?
Lovely sketch!!!
I do not always have the inspiration to draw or paint... then I just make backgrounds! :)
Smiles, Saskia :)
I love your sketch! I like to go for walks and whatever I see that inspires me, I come back and either sketch or paint. Happy SS!
Hi Nicola,
I can really relate to what you're saying, I have a full time job as well beside my art and therefore the weekends are sort of holy in that sense.
Love your art!
Lovely sketch. Happy SS
I had a long block last year. I stopped making art and just took some pictures for a bit then nothing at all ...for months. This year I decided to just try a bunch of new styles (without any expectations) that I'm drawn to on the internet. I am yet to draw anything in my usual style this year but I've had a lot of fun trying new stuff. I am starting to feel the pull to draw a portrait again. I think that means that what I've been doing is working.
Dream and go spend some time in nature ;o)
My advice is don't put pressure on yourself on your days off that you should be producing art. You mustn't forget to enjoy it! :) Something I've found helpful in getting through a block is to look back at old sketchbooks, or if you don't keep them, old blogposts. It helps me get back into the mindset of when I was in the flow. I hope this helps! :)
Jess x x
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