Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday Sketches - a bit of a collection! :0)

Hi everyone, this last week I have been experimenting with all sorts of materials. These two pieces are some mixed media pieces made using acrylic paint and oil pastels on wood!

The second one below I called 'You are not alone'. I really liked using the pastels and paints together! :0) The only question I have is when you are using oil pastels is there something you should put over the top to 'seal' it so that it can't get damaged? I'm worried that it wouldn't take much to make a mark on the pastels?

This next piece is a small canvas that I painted for a prize in my facebook fanpage competition. I asked my likers what they would like to see me paint and said that the winning idea would get the painting! This liker said she would love to see butterflies or fairies and I couldn't resist so I painted a 'butterfly fairy'. I'll be doing more competitions like this as it was alot of fun! :0) It now needs to be posted off to the UK! :0)

 This last piece is something I doodled in front of the tele with some new pastel pencils that I bought. I love John Travolta especially at this age :0) He was fun to paint!!!

Last but not least I thought I'd share a couple of paintings done by my little men. I was practicing a lesson plan idea with them the other day. I wanted to show them how easy it would be to create one of my tree paintings. I think that they would look very striking up around the school :0)

 This first one was done by my 5 year old!!! Sooooo impressed he's now drawing his own 'whimsical' trees, that's what he's calling them.
This one was done by my 8 year old. LOVE his colour choice and addition of birds in the back ground. We even covered perspective in this painting as he figured out that if he drew them different sizes they looked different distances away!!! Such a clever little man!

Hope you are all having a great weekend!!


Anonymous said...

such beautiful work, looks like your children ahve inherited your talent as well, isn't John Travolta handsome, even now he is still so good looking, I liked him best as Micheal when we played the part of the angel.

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Your boys are taking after their mama. :) Wonderful trees! And a wonderful collection from you. :) Love Travolta!

Christine said...

Cute work, and I'm equally impressed with your kids' art, especially your 5 year old! And I recognized John Travolta right

Heather said...

wow! Your John Travolta is right on!!! awesome....i love him too! ever since i first saw Grease! have a great sunday my friend! xo

Crystal said...

Love them all! And you certainly captured the essence of John Trovolta :-)

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! you have been busy ~ they are all beautiful, wonderful and magical ! ~
~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

Spray several coats of fixative over the oil pastels ~ do so outside as you don't want to breathe in those chemicals ~ (you know that ~ right?) ^_^

Unknown said...

John a hit with him... Your kids paintings are gorgeous...fantastic... :)

WrightStuff said...

A veritable gallery of delight you are sharing with us today Nicola!

I use spray fixative to protect my pastels but they still 'move' if you scratch them.

Sabina said...

Love all of these. And that is a dead-on John Travolta. Think the top pic of the girl with the brown hair is my favorite though.

Lenora said...

always like mixing media..

Magic Love Crow said...

Hey Nicola ;o) Great to see you! Love your new paintings! All so special! I love your small canvas one ;o) And, I love John Travolta!! ;o) Your boys did a great job! Take Care ;o)

Tammie Lee said...

wonderful to see all of your pieces

you made John T. adorable!

Tracey FK said...

That is a huge collection of wonderful right there... nice to see you have talented kids as well...xx


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