Saturday, March 10, 2012

Paint Party Friday and Sunday Sketches

Hello my arty blog friends! It's been a while since I blogged! And here I thought that once my boys were at school I'd have more art time! Well as usual things have been crazy, we finished our final stage 3 renovations (extension) and so that threw a spanner in the works and in the meantime I've been applying for a new job! There is a possibility that I may be the artist in residence at the boys school which is such an exciting opportunity for me! So I've been busy with paper work and creating project ideas. Just waiting on finding out the budget for the school and whether it is possible to do fingers crossed! :0) I'm also applying to be a teachers assistant so that I can fill in when need be. So as you can imagine this is a very exciting time for me :0) I'm also kept busy with lots of paper work from our business as well as trying to squeeze in some art time!

I did however manage to squeeze in this painting during the week!

Acrylic on canvas page!

I'm also working on a jewellery box for myself, I picked up this already made box at our local hardware store then decided to paint it! Here it is so far!

And last but not least I'm having a giveaway on my facebook fanpage so if you are interested in entering click on this link

Good luck!! :0)


carol l mckenna said...

She is done so well ~ Very dynamic ~ love the box you are creating for yourself ~thanks, namaste, carol (A Creative Harbor) ~ Happy Weekend ^_^

Abela said...

Two very different achievements, to my draw me much attention the delicacy of women.

Tiffany said...

beautiful work as always!

Jenn said...

What a beautiful portrait - she looks like she's dreaming of her love! I love your jewelry box painting too!!

Unknown said...

oh this is amazing work!!! I am so impressed with these pieces....the lady painting blew me away!!!!

Tracey FK said...

isn't it funny how things all happen at once like that... good luck with the assistant's position and the residency... how exciting... you would be a great resource for them.. will keep my fingers crossed for you...xx

Cameron said...

You do sound busy, busy....but the art you were able to squeeze in is just divine!

Happy PPF!

Magic Love Crow said...

Nice to see you ;o) Love the painting! Her expression is amazing! And, your jewellery box is turning out great! Have a happy weekend ;o)

EVA said...

Busy times indeed!

Love the glamourous lady! Wow.

Your jewellery box looks like it will be a treasure itself!

Mary C. Nasser said...

Hoping all goes well with the artist-in-residence opportunity! Keeping my fingers crossed for you, too. :)
Really like the emotion in you newest acrylic painting.
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

Unknown said...

Love your new artwork!
Hope you'll have the job! :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful work... :)

Victoria said...

Wow..she is magnificent..what a beautiful soul..very special piece! and your tree is magical..wonderful!

*jean* said...

lovely work! happy PPF!

Tammie Lee said...

I enjoy the movement in her hair and the feeling in her face, lovely.

wishing you the best with this job possibility.

Annabelle said...

Hi Nicola,
Lovely work on both but that gal is stunning and vintage, adore her. Good luck on the move and the jobs, they all sound exciting and so promising.

Annabelle ; )

Sabina said...

Grat job on the woman. I love her graceful pose.

Also lovely work on the box!

Debbie said...

i love your art this week! the girl is so pretty and well done, and the jewelry box is really coming along great!

Geckostone said...

Beautiful portrait and I LOVE the jewelry box!!!Deb

Heather said...

oooh, i love that box!
your portrait is just lovely, too!
have a great week!

Kristin Dudish said...

She is a beauty - I love the way she is emerging from the background :)

Good luck with all of your exciting opportunities (I can't wait to hear more about them)!


Marie Rayner said...

I love your work. It's so beautiful. Just lovely!

Andrea C said...

WOW!!! These are so gorgeous xxx

Daniele Valois said...

beautiful work. And I love painting those swirly trees!

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Gorgeous portrait, Nic! And I love your jewelry box. :)

Lauren said...

Hi Nicola! That is such exciting news, best of luck to you!!! The painting and the jewelry box are both gorgeous :) Hugs, Lauren


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