Friday, January 6, 2012

Paint Party Friday and and an early entry for Sunday sketches

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a great New Years and have recovered. I wasn't too bad this week, we had a big party on the weekend even the kids stayed up into the wee hours and we all lazed around the next day. It's still summer holidays over here at the moment so I've been busy taking the kids to play dates, the pool and keeping them occupied etc. I've even managed to get back into my exercise a bit 2012 is the year I get buff (fit)....well I'll try anyway ;0)

I'm including these pieces as my Sunday sketches too as we have two birthday parties this weekend and the husband is dragging me to a car show not my thing but when he told me that there was an air brush exhibition as well I decided to give it a go. So hopefully next week I'll have some pictures to show you and I might even be able to get some tips!!!

Ok first up is another in my series of frogs. I really love drawing these little guys as it really gets my creative juices flowing, and I'm thinking up all sorts of scenarios for them to be in :0)

This one is 'Disco Frog'
 Move over Travolta!

This next piece is another of my experiments with the airbrush that I got for Christmas. I used the air brush for the skin, background and hair then added details over the top. I really do like the look of the airbrush it gives it a softness that I'm not able to get with a paint brush. I think though that it's going to take me a long time to be able to do details with an airbrush it really is tricky but I really am having fun trying new things!!!

Hope you all have a great weekend and I'll pop by over the weekend!!


Netty said...

Loving your great frog and the beautiful girl. Have fun with your new toys. Happy PPF and have a great weekend, Annette x

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

How cute is this!! :) Love that disco frog! :)

WrightStuff said...

"Staying alive, staying alive... ah ah ah ah......"

Great frog and love the softness the airbrush brings to your portrait.

Carolyn Dube said...

Disco Frog ROCKS! Love the suit - so 70's! Your airbrush experiment is a complete success in my book!

Unknown said...

You're really good at airbrush!!

Virtual Boy said...

Awesome work, so fun to see you evolve with your new medium of airbrushing!

// -T.W-

GlorV1 said...

Love your frog. I think it's great that you've shared your first experience with the airbrush with us. How great that you are learning to use it. I've still to learn using mine, perhaps in the Spring. Great job. Enjoy the rest of the week and thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Disco frog is hilarious, I love him! I like the girl's face with the airbrush - I see what you mean about the softness it gives. I'm sure it must be tricky applying it correctly but you're definitely off to a great start!

Ayala Art said...

That frog is hillarious! The gipsy is so sweet, you are doing good with that air brush!

Unknown said...

Too FUN, I love the Disco frog, he's hilarious!

carol l mckenna said...

Love the frog and the beautiful girl ~ Wonderful! ~ Have fun this weekend ~ ~ thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy PPF ^_^

Daniele Valois said...

oh you just make me smile! And I adore this gypsy!

Tracey FK said...

scarily disco frog reminds me on one of my sister's old boyfriends.... I am sending her the link so she can have a laugh... we only have afew weeks before school starts again and I am focussing on that at the moment.... happy ppf xx

SHERI COOK said...

The girl is beautiful and I love the cuddling OWLS on your page's banner. Sooo sweet.
Happy PPF!
Sheri Cook/HappyHorseStudio

Denise Mulligan said...

Funny frog, love it!

Carol said...

Disco Frog is the "BOMB" and the lady is lovely .

Kristin Dudish said...

Disco frog is so fun :)
The softness you've achieved with your airbrush is lovely.


Unknown said...

Happy New Year Nicola!!! !love your latest pieces!!!! you are so creative!!!!

I hope you will pop by my blog for Sweet Saturdays and share something sweet!!!


EVA said...

Disco frog is awesome! Your airbrush work is looking great - maybe you can get photos of you at work so we can see what airbrushing looks like? I'm having a challenge visualizing the process...

Magic Love Crow said...

I love your disco frog and I have to tell you, I started painting a disco crow! LOL! Too Funny! Great minds think alike ;o)I love your air brush painting too! Stunning! I think you are doing very well ;o) Take Care ;o)

Mary C. Nasser said...

Your disco frog is the cutest! :)
And the portrait you airbrushed is just gorgeous!

Happy New Year and
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

Jehanne's doodles said...

What a groovy frog :) and your airbrush girl is really beautiful - I like your style.

Geckostone said...

Your Frog is adorable and you are doing wonderful with that new airbrush!!! Deb

Debbie said...

i love your girl! and the frog is so hilarious! (cute too!)

Anonymous said...

that little frog, so cute, so seventies!! the air brush gives such a luminesse quality, beautiful

lissa said...

disco frog is such a fun piece, very cute.

hope you have wonderful day.

Lenora said...

summer holidays sounds so far away from here LOL :-) like the gypsy!

Anonymous said...

Disco frog is so funny! I like your airbrushed girl. I bought a variable airbrush many years ago and then realized I didn't want to use spray it in the house and had no place to plug it outside the house. I only did a few things with it and never learned it properly. I bet you will, though!

Heather said...

LOVe the disco-ing toad!!!!!!!!!
excellent and oh so clever!

Robin Panzer Art said...

Super cute pieces, you're getting good with your new airbrush! Happy PPF!

Tammie Lee said...

I hope you had a wonderful weekend!
these are both cute and fun pieces.

DVArtist said...

I love your disco frog. I am amazed at your airbrush work. Fab!!!

Jen @Sadie Inspired said...

An airbrush - how fun!! That portrait is darling. I love it - looking forward to seeing more. Happy New Year! :)

Mandy said...

I love these...they are both such happy pieces...the aitbrush work looks

Gloria j Zucaro said...

Love your Travolta frog! isn't it fun learning something new!


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