Monday, February 23, 2009

Cave man and cave woman.....

Well today I thought I would post these two characters that I came up with a little while ago. This was done with acrylic on acrylic paper. I just love how bright they came up and when I added all that hair they really popped out!!!

This week I plan on finishing a story board of mine and working on a new character. It's going to be a little boy and I have someone from real life that I want to base him on as he's so full of character himself. I also want to do some sketching of the boys playing. I've tried doing that from real life but they both move so fast I can barely get any lines down. So I thought I'd take my two year old out this morning for a play in the back yard and take some action shots and do some sketches from that!!!!

He should stay still enough for a photo, I hope!!!

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