Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday Sketches and another portrait!

Hi guys,

Hot on the heels of my last post and couple of portraits I decided to do my next one with a subject very close to home, I found a baby picture of my eldest who is now nearly 9 and painted a picture of him when he was very young.
 As a painting by it's self I quite like it but when you look at the photo I think you can see that it's not quite the same, interestingly enough I think  I managed to paint him looking older than the photo and more like what he looks like now. I enjoyed it though and will put this down as another practice/experience, either way I'm having fun and have broken my artistic block! :0)
Looking forward to catching up with you all at Sunday Sketches!


Magic Love Crow said...

Nicola, how adorable!! So cute!!! He might look older, but the painting is still precious! Have a great day!

Tracey FK said...

This looks amazing.. I tried to do a few of my daughter at different times, but could never come close so have abandoned that for now... your looks really great and it looks like you have captured a mischievous look to it...xx

Molly said...

what a little cutie! you've captured him so marvelously!

i always smile a little bigger when i come to your blog and see those great dancing frogs up at the top!! love them!! :-)

Christine said...

This is a sweet portrait, well done!

Unknown said...

Great likeness...and so much fun... :)

Unknown said...

WOW! You're good at portraits!!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Yay for the breaktrhough! :) Isn't he just adorable. Gorgeous portrait!

Annie Lightbulb said...

Oh wow, how life like, fabulous and beautiful!

carol l mckenna said...

Oh ~ this is lovely ~ so adorable and well done ~ glad 'he' helped you with getting back to creating ~ Love your work ~ namaste, carol (Share the Creative Journey)

Jehanne's doodles said...

Oh he is adorable!!!

Heather said...

this is gerat! what a sweet face!!!

Victoria said...

Wow Nicola...absolutely beautiful and so very special!!awesome and wonderful!!
Shine on!

Sabina said...

Wow this is a really good interpretation. Really close to the photo actually. And very, very adorable!

Tammie Lee said...

ah, so sweet and beautiful

EVA said...

He is adorable! In person/photo and in your painting. Your little angel?

Lenora said...

wonderful detail, personality..

Debbie said...

you've captured him perfectly!

Alicia C said...

It's a beautiful portrait - that's so funny - my post for today exactly addressed this issue - why do our portraits sometimes not exactly look like the specific people in mind?

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Me again! :) I left an award for you on my blog. Check it out! :)


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