Saturday, April 3, 2010

Illustration Friday - Dip (My new Koi fish painting)

Hi everyone, well I finished my painting just in time for Illustration Friday. When I saw the word I thought this painting fit right in. My beautiful Koi fish dips and dives in and out of the water.

This is a mixed media piece on canvas, I sketched the fish out then stuck it onto the canvas. Then I glued tissue paper down for the back ground and painted over everything. The flowers were some pretty glittery stickers that I found in a shop and I think they balance the koi fish well. I'm very happy with how this turned out and will be listing it in my etsy shop. I also think it'll make a good pendant too, so watch this space!


INDIGENE said...

Nicola, this is absolutely lovely; the colors, textures and energy...beautiful!

josh pincus is crying said...

Beautiful painting!

Kristin said...

Nicola! This is stunning! I love seeing what you did from the original drawing - this is so full of color and character, I love it! Kristin xo

roberto M. said...

High vibration!!!!!
beautiful dip

Julia Christie said...

I knew this was going to turn out wonderfully! I love how the water and the koi seem to move together - What a great pendant this will make.


Debbie Clandening said...

I love your koi painting.The texture in the background really turned out nicely with the tissue paper.

carylsrealm said...

Fabulous painting with vibrant colors! Wonderful!

Alexandra MacVean said...

Wow, Nicola. The finished product turned out amazing! Your art is really growing over these last several months. Rock on! :)

Susan said...

Nicola this is absolutely gorgeous! Your talent just sings with mixed media - the colors and textures flow together perfectly, I feel I can her this little koi swishing around in that water, keep it up girl!

Happy Easter and SS!

Annette Q said...

Your fish turned out beautiful Nicola! Love it against that lovely textured blue background, lovely work! hope youre having a lovely Easter :-)

EVA said...

This is from last week's sketch, Nicola? Wow! What a fabulous job you did! It is gorgeous!! And this week's Angel and Vampire are so cute!

Jonny J Petros said...

Hi Nicola Your painting came out beautiful love your vibrant colors. Sincerely, Jonny

Dear Fireflies said...

Now, this is just amazing, Nicola! Funny how it actually makes me feel like dipping into water along with the fish! It is a Koi, no? Well, I love it! And thanks so much for sharing your 'story', I like the fact that we have a little in common in life... oxx

Anonymous said...

Wow! Amazing colors & textures, not to mention, fantastic energy, in this composition -- I love this piece!

So glad you stopped by... it was wonderful to make this connection! Thanks.


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