Monday, August 10, 2009

Thank you Shirley!!!

Wow, I have just received an award from the wonderfully talented artist Shirley. It is called 'The Bella Sinclair Award'. This award is named after an amazingly talented children's book illustrator, and artist, Bella Sinclair

Thank you Shirley, it made my day and I would just like to pass this award onto a few artists who I have recently discovered and who I have started to visit as often as possible. They have inspired me to try new things and to keep working on my dream. So thank you guys!!
These artists are:
Thanks guys your kind comments and lots of encouragement have really made my day at times. I really appreciate your visits!!


Shirley said...

Aw, you so deserve this...look at you go, girl! Congrats on your other new award too!! Exciting!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Congrats on getting the award.I love your blog and your creations and love coming here. Thank you for thinking of me and my blog. I appreciate it very much.:)

Lisa Lectura Creations said...

Hello Nicola! Congrats on your award! Thanks so much for passing on the love! I really appreciate it! Keep shining your creativity with us!

Lisa :)

Faith said...

Congrats Nicola you totally deserve it.


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